Shut The Box Rules

Shut the Box is one of those classic games that’s both simple to learn and endlessly entertaining. Whether you’re playing at home, at the pub, or even solo, it’s a game that challenges your strategy and luck in equal measure. In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know to get started with Shut the Box—from setting it up and understanding the rules to mastering strategies that will give you the edge. Let’s dive in!

What is Shut The Box?

What is Shut The Box

Shut the Box is a traditional dice game that has been a staple in pubs and homes for centuries. It’s believed to have originated in France and has since become popular worldwide, especially in the UK. The game is loved for its simplicity and how it mixes luck with a bit of strategy. You only need a box with numbered tiles, a pair of dice, and patience to enjoy a round or two.

The objective is straightforward: roll the dice, close the corresponding numbered tiles, and try to shut the box by closing all the numbers. The fewer numbers left open at the end of the game, the better your score.

How to Setup Shut The Box?

How to Setup Shut The Box

Getting started with Shut the Box is easy, and you don’t need much to set up. Here’s how to do it:

Game Components

Shut the Box typically comes with the following components:

  • The Box: A wooden box with tiles numbered 1 to 9 (sometimes up to 12).
  • Numbered Tiles: You’ll be flipping down these tiles during the game.
  • Dice: A pair of standard six-sided dice.

Setting Up the Game

  1. Place the Box on a Flat Surface: Set the box on a stable, flat surface where all players can easily reach it.
  2. Position the Numbered Tiles: Make sure all the numbered tiles stand upright at the game’s start. The numbers should be visible and ready to be flipped down.
  3. Get the Dice Ready: Have the dice on hand, ready to be rolled. If you’re playing with multiple people, decide who will go first.

With everything set up, you’re ready to start playing!

How to Play Shut The Box?: Step-by-Step Rules

How to Play Shut The Box

The Objective of the Game

The main goal in Shut the Box is to close as many numbered tiles as possible by rolling the dice and flipping down the tiles corresponding to the numbers you roll. The ultimate aim is to “shut the box,” meaning you’ve successfully closed all the tiles. If you do this, you’ve achieved the perfect score—zero.

Basic Gameplay

Here’s how a typical game of Shut the Box plays out:

  1. Roll the Dice: On your turn, roll the two dice. The numbers you roll will determine which tiles you can close.
  2. Close the Tiles: After rolling, you can close any combination of tiles that add up to the dice total. For example, if you roll a three and a four (totalling 7), you can close the seven tiles or any combination that adds up to 7, such as 3 and 4 or 2 and 5.
  3. Continue Rolling: As long as you keep closing tiles, you continue rolling. If your roll doesn’t allow you to close any tiles, your turn ends.
  4. Scoring: Once your turn is over, you add up the numbers of the tiles that are still standing. This is your score for that round.

Winning the Game

The game continues with each player taking turns until everyone has had a chance to play. The player with the lowest score at the end of the game wins. If a player manages to close all the tiles and shut the box, they automatically win with a perfect score of zero.

What Are the Common Shut The Box Variations?

What Are the Common Shut The Box Variations

Several variations of Shut the Box can add some extra fun to the game:

Single-Player Version

Shut the Box can be played solo to achieve the lowest possible score—or, better yet, shutting the box. This version is excellent for practice or to pass the time.

Multi-Player Version

When playing with multiple players, each person takes turns rolling the dice and closing tiles. The game ends when each player has taken their turn, and the person with the lowest score wins.

Alternate Scoring Methods

Some variations of Shut the Box use different scoring methods, such as cumulative scoring, where the score from each round is added up, or elimination, where the highest score is eliminated each round until only one player remains.

What Are Winning Tips and Strategies for Shut The Box?

What Are Winning Tips and Strategies for Shut The Box

While luck plays a big role in Shut the Box, there are a few strategies you can use to improve your chances of winning:

Tile Selection Strategy

One of the key decisions in Shut the Box is choosing which tiles to close. Generally, it’s wise to close the higher numbers first because they’re harder to roll with combinations as the game progresses. However, you also need to be flexible—sometimes, it makes sense to close lower numbers if it helps keep more options open for future rolls.

Dice Rolling Techniques

While there’s no way to control the dice completely, rolling them with a gentle toss can help avoid bouncing, which might give you a more predictable result. But remember, the game is meant to be fun, so don’t stress too much about your rolling technique!

Playing for the Endgame

As you get closer to the end of the game, your focus should shift to managing the remaining tiles. Try to leave yourself with numbers that can still be made with the dice. For example, keeping tiles 2, 3, and 4 might give you more flexibility than leaving a single tile like 9 or 8.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One common mistake is closing tiles too aggressively without considering future rolls. It’s essential to think ahead and leave yourself with numbers that different combinations of dice rolls can match. Avoiding this mistake can keep you in the game longer and give you a better chance of winning.


Shut the Box is a brilliant game that’s easy to learn but challenging enough to keep you returning for more. Whether playing alone or with friends, the combination of luck and strategy makes every game exciting. By following the setup, rules, and strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Shut the Box and maybe even shutting the box yourself. So grab a box, roll the dice, and see if you’ve got what it takes to win!

FAQs About Shut The Box

Can Shut the Box be played with more than two dice?

Yes, some variations use more than two dice, which can add complexity to the game. However, the standard version typically uses two dice.

What’s the best strategy for winning?

The best strategy often involves closing higher numbers first and keeping options open for future rolls. However, flexibility and adaptability are key.

How many players can play Shut the Box?

Shut the Box can be played solo or with multiple players. It’s a versatile game that’s just as fun with one player as it is with a group.

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