If you’re looking for a quick, fun game that can be enjoyed by all ages, Dobble is the perfect choice. This fast-paced card game is all about observation, speed, and matching symbols.

Whether you’re new to Dobble or just looking to brush up on the rules and strategies, I’m here to guide you through everything you need to know—from setting up the game to mastering the art of spotting those elusive matches. Let’s dive into how to play Dobble, explore its various game modes, and discover some winning strategies.

What is Dobble?

What is Dobble

Dobble is a popular card game known for its simplicity and quick gameplay. The game consists of a deck of 55 circular cards, each adorned with eight different symbols.

What makes Dobble unique is that any two cards will always have exactly one symbol in common, though the symbols might differ in size or orientation. The objective of the game is straightforward: be the first to spot the matching symbol between two cards and call it out.

Dobble is incredibly versatile and can be played with 2 to 8 players, making it a great option for family game nights, parties, or even casual get-togethers. The game’s fast pace and simple rules make it accessible to children and adults alike, ensuring that everyone can join in on the fun.

Dobble Game Setup

Dobble Game Setup

Setting up Dobble is as easy as it gets. Here’s a quick guide to getting started:

  1. Shuffle the Cards: Begin by shuffling the deck thoroughly. This ensures that the game is fair and random.
  2. Decide on the Game Mode: Dobble offers five different mini-games, each with its own set of rules (which I’ll cover shortly). Decide which mode you want to play, or mix things up by playing multiple modes in one session.
  3. Distribute the Cards: Depending on the game mode, you’ll either deal a specific number of cards to each player or place a certain number in the centre of the table. I’ll explain the specifics of each mode in the next section.

And that’s it! You’re ready to start playing Dobble.

Dobble Rules: How to Play Dobble?

Dobble Rules

Basic Rules

The basic premise of Dobble is simple: players compete to spot the matching symbol between two cards. The first player to correctly identify and call out the matching symbol wins the round. The winner of the round either collects the card, places it in the centre, or discards it, depending on the game mode.

Game Variations

Game Variations

Dobble isn’t just a one-trick pony. There are five different mini-games you can play, each offering a unique twist on the standard gameplay:

1. The Tower

  • Setup: Deal one card face down to each player, and place the remaining cards face up in a stack in the centre.
  • Objective: Players simultaneously flip their cards and try to spot the matching symbol between their card and the top card of the stack. The first to do so takes the centre card and places it on top of their pile. The game continues until all the centre cards are taken. The player with the most cards at the end wins.

2. The Well

  • Setup: Place one card face up in the centre, and deal the remaining cards equally among all players.
  • Objective: Players race to get rid of their cards by matching the symbol on their top card with the one in the centre. The first to discard all their cards wins.

3. Hot Potato

  • Setup: Each player starts with one card in hand.
  • Objective: Players must quickly find the matching symbol between their card and the card of another player. When they do, they pass their card to that player. The game continues until one player is left holding all the cards. The player with the fewest cards wins.

4. The Poisoned Gift

  • Setup: Deal one card face up to each player and place the remaining cards in a draw pile.
  • Objective: Players try to match the symbol on the top card of the draw pile with a card held by another player. When they find a match, they give the draw pile card to that player. The goal is to avoid collecting cards, and the player with the fewest cards at the end wins.

5. Triplet

  • Setup: Lay nine cards face up in a 3×3 grid on the table.
  • Objective: Players race to find a matching symbol between any three cards. The first to spot a match calls it out, takes the three cards, and replaces them with new ones from the draw pile. The player with the most cards at the end wins.

Each of these variations adds a fresh challenge to the game, keeping it exciting and engaging for all players.

How to Win Dobble?: Strategies and Tips

How to Win Dobble

While Dobble is a game of speed, there are a few strategies that can help you improve your chances of winning:

Observation Skills

Dobble is all about quickly spotting the matching symbol, so honing your observation skills is key. Focus on the symbols and practice identifying them as quickly as possible. It can help to familiarise yourself with the symbols on the cards before the game starts.

Mind Games

Sometimes, getting into your opponent’s head can give you the edge. For example, you can try to distract them or feign uncertainty to slow them down. Just be careful not to lose focus yourself!

Speed vs Accuracy

While speed is crucial in Dobble, it’s important not to rush too much. If you call out the wrong symbol, you’ll lose valuable time. Find a balance between being quick and making sure you’re correct before you shout.

Practice Tips

As with most games, practice makes perfect. The more you play Dobble, the better you’ll become at spotting matches quickly. You can even practice on your own by going through the deck and trying to spot matches between random pairs of cards.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing Dobble

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing Dobble

Even seasoned players can make mistakes when playing Dobble. Here are a few common pitfalls to watch out for:


It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and rush to call out a match. However, rushing can lead to mistakes, like calling out the wrong symbol or missing a match altogether. Take a moment to confirm before you shout.


Dobble is designed to be a quick game, so try not to overthink your moves. Trust your instincts and go with your first impression. Overanalyzing can slow you down and cost you the round.

Ignoring Variations

Sticking to one game mode can get repetitive, so don’t forget to try out the different variations. They each offer a new way to play, and you might find one that you enjoy even more than the standard game.


Dobble is a brilliantly simple yet challenging game that’s perfect for anyone looking for quick, engaging fun. Whether you’re setting up for the first time or honing your winning strategies, I hope this guide has helped you get the most out of your Dobble experience. Don’t forget to try out the different game variations and practice regularly to sharpen your skills. Now that you know how to play Dobble, it’s time to gather your friends or family and enjoy some fast-paced matching fun!

FAQs About Dobble

What age group is Dobble suitable for?

Dobble is designed for players aged 6 and up, making it a great choice for family game nights.

How many players can play Dobble?

Dobble can be played with 2 to 8 players, making it versatile enough for small and large groups.

Can Dobble be played online?

While there isn’t an official online version of Dobble, there are apps and digital versions available that mimic the gameplay.

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