Spit Card Game

If you’re a fan of fast-paced card games, then Spit is a game you’re going to love. It’s one of those games that keeps you on the edge of your seat, requiring quick reflexes, sharp focus, and just a bit of strategy to outplay your opponent. In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Spit, from setting up the game and understanding the rules, to mastering winning tricks that will give you an edge every time you play.

What is Spit Card Game?

What is Spit Card Game

Spit, also known as Slam or Speed, is a two-player card game that’s all about quick thinking and even quicker hands. The objective is simple: be the first to get rid of all your cards.

Unlike many card games that rely heavily on strategy or luck, Spit is a game of pure speed. There’s no taking turns here—both players play simultaneously, racing against each other to be the fastest to clear their cards.

The game has been a favourite for years, particularly among those who enjoy competitive, high-energy games that can be played almost anywhere with a standard deck of cards. Whether you’re playing at home, on holiday, or just passing the time, Spit is a great way to challenge your friends and sharpen your reflexes.

How to Play Spit?: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Play Spit?


Setting up Spit is straightforward, but there are a few key steps to get right:

  1. Dealing the Cards: Start by shuffling a standard 52-card deck thoroughly. Each player is dealt half the deck (26 cards). You don’t need to worry about suits or specific values here—just split the deck in half.
  2. Arranging the Piles: Each player then arranges their 26 cards into five piles in front of them. The first pile has one card, the second has two cards, the third has three cards, the fourth has four cards, and the fifth has five cards. The top card of each pile is placed face-up, while the rest remain face-down. The remaining cards in each player’s hand form their personal draw pile, which they hold in their hand face-down.


Now, onto the action. The gameplay in Spit is fast and furious:

  1. The Objective: The goal of Spit is to be the first to get rid of all your cards. You do this by playing cards from your five piles onto two central “Spit” piles, based on ascending or descending order. For example, if one of the central piles has a 7 on top, you can play either a 6 or an 8 from your piles.
  2. Playing the Cards: Both players start the game by simultaneously flipping the top card from their draw pile into the centre to form the two Spit piles. From this point on, it’s a race to play cards from your piles onto the Spit piles as quickly as possible, following the ascending or descending rule. There’s no turn-taking; both players play as fast as they can.
  3. Handling Ties and Empty Piles: If both players try to play a card on the same Spit pile at the same time, the card that hits the pile first stays. If you empty one of your piles, you can fill the empty space with a card from your draw pile.

Spit Card Game Rules

Spit Card Game Rules

Basic Rules

The rules of Spit are fairly simple, but they need to be followed closely to keep the game fair:

  1. Simultaneous Play: There’s no turn order in Spit. Both players play their cards at the same time, making it a game of speed.
  2. Card Order: Cards can only be played on the Spit piles if they are one rank higher or lower than the top card of the pile. For example, you can play a 3 on a 2 or a 4 on a 5.
  3. No Re-shuffling: Once the draw piles are exhausted, players can only play from their remaining piles. When a player cannot make any moves, they can call “Spit” to reset the piles by flipping a new card from their draw pile.

Special Situations

Spit can get intense, and there are a few special situations to be aware of:

  • Simultaneous Moves: If both players place their cards on the same Spit pile simultaneously, the first card to fully cover the pile counts, and the other player must take their card back.
  • No Moves Available: If neither player can play a card on the Spit piles, the round ends. Each player picks up the Spit pile closest to them, and the game continues with the remaining cards.
  • Endgame: The game ends when one player has no more cards left in their hand or piles. This player wins the round.

Winning Tricks and Strategies for Spit

Winning Tricks and Strategies for Spit

Winning at Spit isn’t just about being fast; it’s about being smart with your speed. Here are a few tips to help you outplay your opponent:

Speed and Focus

The key to winning Spit is speed. But speed without focus can lead to mistakes. Make sure you’re not just playing quickly, but accurately. Keep your eyes on both your own piles and your opponent’s moves—sometimes it’s better to wait a split second and make the correct move rather than rush and lose the advantage.

Card Management

Managing your piles effectively is crucial. Try to keep your piles balanced, so you always have cards to play. If one pile starts to build up, focus on reducing it by playing cards from it whenever possible. Also, be aware of what cards your opponent might be holding, and try to anticipate their moves.

Mind Games

Don’t be afraid to use a bit of psychology to throw off your opponent. A well-timed hesitation or a quick fake-out can disrupt their rhythm and give you the upper hand. Keep them guessing, and don’t let them settle into a comfortable pace.

Practice Makes Perfect

Like any game, practice is key. The more you play Spit, the better you’ll become at spotting opportunities and making quick decisions. Regular practice will help you improve your reflexes and get a feel for the game’s flow, which is essential for success.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Spit

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Spit

Even experienced players can fall into these common traps. Here’s what to watch out for:


Spit is a game of quick decisions. Overthinking your moves can slow you down, causing you to miss opportunities. Trust your instincts and keep the pace up.

Ignoring Pile Strategy

Don’t neglect your pile management. If you focus too much on playing cards quickly without paying attention to your piles, you might find yourself stuck with no moves left. Balance speed with strategy to keep your piles manageable.

Losing Focus

It only takes a second to lose focus and let your opponent take control. Stay alert, keep your eyes on the cards, and don’t get distracted. Spit is all about maintaining a high level of concentration from start to finish.


Spit is a thrilling, fast-paced card game that’s perfect for anyone who loves a bit of competition and quick thinking. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, mastering the basics and applying a few strategic tricks can make a huge difference in your game.

Remember to stay focused, manage your piles carefully, and practice regularly to hone your skills. Now that you know how to play Spit, it’s time to grab a deck of cards and challenge your friends.

FAQs About Spit Card Game

Can Spit be played with more than two players?

Traditionally, Spit is a two-player game, but variations for three or more players exist, usually involving more Spit piles or a rotation of players.

What happens if a player can’t make a move?

If neither player can make a move, they each pick up the Spit pile closest to them, and the game continues. The goal is still to be the first to clear all your cards.

Are there variations of Spit?

Yes, there are several variations of Spit, including Speed, which has similar gameplay but with slightly different rules regarding the number of piles and the way cards are played.

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