Shit Head Rules

Shit Head is one of those card games that’s as much about strategy as it is about luck. Whether playing with friends on a quiet evening or introducing it to a new group, it’s a game that never fails to entertain. The goal is simple: avoid being the last person left with cards in hand.

But the path to victory can be tricky, filled with surprises and strategic plays. In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to set up and play Shit Head, along with some tips to improve your chances of winning.

What is Shit Head?

What is Shit Head

Shit Head is a popular and slightly chaotic card game that’s loved for its simplicity and unpredictability. It’s typically played with three or more players, making it an excellent choice for social gatherings.

The game involves quickly getting rid of your cards while navigating the special rules associated with particular cards. The last player with cards left is the “Shit Head,” and let’s say you don’t want to be that person!

This game is a favourite among different age groups and is perfect for casual play and more competitive sessions. The mix of luck and strategy keeps things interesting, and no two games are alike.

What Are the Basic Shit Head Setup Instructions?

What Are the Basic Shit Head Setup Instructions

Before diving into the gameplay, you must set up the game properly. Here’s how to get started:

What are the game components of Shit Head?

To play Shit Head, you’ll need:

  • A Standard Deck of 52 Cards: No jokers are required, but some variations use them for additional twists.
  • 3 or More Players: While the game can technically be played with two, it’s more enjoyable with three or more players.

How to set up the Shit Head Game?

  1. Dealing with the Cards: Shuffle the deck thoroughly. Each player is dealt three cards face down in front of them (these are their “hidden cards”), three cards face up on top of the hidden cards, and the remaining cards form the players’ hands, typically consisting of three cards each. The deck is placed in the centre as the draw pile.
  2. Arranging the Cards: Players should arrange their three face-up cards before them, ensuring they know which cards are where. The hidden cards remain face down and shouldn’t be looked at until they are played.
  3. Understanding Special Cards: Certain cards have special rules in Shit Head:
    • 2: It can be played on any card and resets the pile.
    • 10: Acts as a “burn” card, clearing the pile and removing it from the game.
    • Other Special Rules: Some house rules include cards like 7 or 8 with special powers, so it’s good to clarify them before you start.

With the setup complete, you’re ready to begin playing!

How to Play Shit Head?: Step-by-step Rules

How to Play Shit Head

What is the the objective of the Shit Head Game?

The main goal in Shit Head is to be the first to get rid of all your cards. The last player still holding cards at the end is the Shit Head.

Basic Gameplay

Here’s how a typical round of Shit Head unfolds:

  1. Starting the Game: The player with the lowest face-up card usually starts the game. They play this card into the centre to start the pile if multiple players have the same lowest card, the first to act starts.
  2. Playing Cards: On your turn, you must play a card equal to or higher than the card on top of the pile. If you can’t, you must pick up the entire pile and add it to your hand. You can play a single card or multiple cards of the same value.
  3. Using Special Cards: If you play a 2, you can reset the pile with any card. If you play a 10, you “burn” the pile, remove it from play, and start a new pile with any card.
  4. Playing Face-Down Cards: Once you’ve played all the cards in your hand and the face-up cards in front of you, you move on to the hidden face-down cards. These cards must be played blindly—pick one and play it. If it’s unplayable, you must pick up the pile.
  5. Ending the Game: The game continues until all but one player successfully plays all their cards. The last player with cards left is the Shit Head.

How to win in the Shit Head Game?

The winner is the player who first gets rid of all their cards. If you’re playing multiple rounds, you can keep track of who becomes the Shit Head each time to avoid this fate as much as possible!

What Are the Common Shit Head Variations?

What Are the Common Shit Head Variations

Several variations of Shit Head can add an extra layer of fun to the game:

Different House Rules

Depending on where you play, you might encounter different rules. For example, some versions allow certain cards, like 7 or 8, to have special effects, like skipping the next player or reversing the turn order. It’s always a good idea to agree on the rules before starting.

Single-Deck vs Double-Deck

If you’re playing with a larger group, you might want to use two decks of cards. This doesn’t change the basic rules but increases the number of cards in play, making the game more chaotic and potentially more strategic.

What Are Common Tips and Strategies for Winning Shit Head?

What Are Common Tips and Strategies for Winning Shit Head

While Shit Head involves a lot of luck, there are a few strategies you can use to increase your chances of winning:

Card Management

One of the most critical aspects of Shit Head is managing your cards wisely. Try to get rid of your highest cards first to avoid getting stuck later. Also, save your unique cards (like 2s and 10s) for when you need them—either to reset the pile or to burn a troublesome pile.

Timing Special Cards

Strategically playing your unique cards can make or break your game. For instance, using a 10 to burn a pile when you know your opponents are about to play high cards can be a game-changer. Similarly, using a 2 to reset the pile when running low on options can keep you in the game longer.

Observing Opponents

Pay attention to what cards your opponents are playing and what they might have left. If you notice someone consistently playing low cards, they might be trying to hold onto their higher ones, which you can use to your advantage.

Endgame Tactics

It’s important to think ahead when you’re down to your last few cards. If you’re about to play your face-down cards, clear the pile first to give yourself the best chance of playing them successfully. Remember, if you can’t play a face-down card, you’ll have to pick up the entire pile!


Shit Head is a fantastic card game that’s perfect for social gatherings or casual play. It’s simple enough for anyone to pick up, but with enough strategy and variation to keep it interesting every time you play.

By following the setup instructions, rules, and tips outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to enjoy a game of Shit Head and maybe even avoid becoming the dreaded Shit Head yourself. So grab a deck of cards, gather your friends, and let the games begin!

FAQs About Shit Head

Can Shit Head be played with fewer than three players?

Yes, Shit Head can be played with two players, though it’s typically more fun and competitive with three or more.

What’s the best strategy for playing face-down cards?

Since face-down cards are a gamble, try to clear the pile before playing them. This way, you reduce the risk of having to pick up the pile if your card isn’t playable.

Are there any official rules for Shit Head?

Shit Head doesn’t have official rules, as it’s often played with house rules that can vary. It’s best to agree on the rules before starting to ensure everyone is on the same page.

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